
Sunday 5 August 2012

Science Fair - Room 12

This was the project from Room 12 that we liked the most.  These are some of our thoughts about it:

  • It was good that they made a bow and tested it (Hannah, Reuben H)
  • I liked how they made one bow tougher than the other one (Kayla)
We also thought of some more things that make projects interesting:
  • you need pictures because that's how you can see how they made things (Kayla)
  • pictures make the boards colourful too (Jada-Arielle)
When we got back to Room 10, we made a list of the things that are important when you do a Science Fair project:
  • You need a good idea
  • You need a cool title
  • You need lots of pictures and colour to make it interesting
  • You need to make sure your face is not in the photos
  • It helps if you can show what you made


  1. nice science thing because it has all the things about Roy

  2. awsome science project Levi well done!!from asher
