
Sunday 19 August 2012

In the 'Olden Days'...

We have some questions to ask you!  We are thinking about what we do at school NOW, but we would also like to find out about what school was like for our parents and grandparents.  We would love to hear your answers please.

To write your answer, look down the right hand side of this page for "In the Olden Days" and click on the link there.  A 'Post-it' wall will pop up and you can leave your answers there!

These are our questions:
  • What were your favourite games at school?
  • Did you have sports gear to use at playtime?
  • What did you have in the playground to play with?
  • What did you do at playtime on rainy days?
  • Did you have games in your classroom to play?
  • Did you wear uniforms?
  • How many children were in your class?
Please choose a question and leave us an answer.  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. there were 60 students in my class in Taiwan when I went to primary school. Yes , we wore uniforms in school. we had some maths games to play in class. we painted and draw in rainny days . we had slide , swing , seasaw to play in the playground.
