
Wednesday 28 August 2013

God is Holy - the Joseph story

We have been reading in the Bible about Joseph because we are learning about Egypt and the 'Rise and Fall of Empires'.  We can learn from history so that we don't make the same mistakes as the people before us.  We can also learn the right things to do!  We thought about Joseph and what we could learn from his life.  Here are our ideas:

Joseph knew a lot about God and trusted Him.  We can learn a lot from him!


  1. Hey Room 10! You really know the story of Joseph well. By Richard
    Never stop thinking. It will make you smarter. By Tatiana
    Wow! That's a lot of ideas Room 10. By Caragh
    Great answers from the Joseph story Room 10! By Christian

  2. Room 10 You are great thinkers.Keep it up Room 10 By Ben

  3. Room 10 we think big in devotions

    By Joel W

  4. wow room 10! we are good at learning joseph's story. We should do the same to the moses story. Good learning from the joseph story.
    by xander

  5. great thinking room 10 keep it up and you might be a teacher!By John

  6. amazing ideas I want to hear more by John
