
Wednesday 26 June 2013

Reading Rocks!

Yesterday we had a super show at school called "Reading Rocks".  A man called Adrian told us all about books and how cool they are.  He said that books could teach us ANYTHING.  He was also a professional there were some awesome tricks happening too.  He juggled 5 balls and rode a 'looney cycle' (unicycle) with Tom from Room 5 up on his shoulders.  AMAZING!!!

Adrian balanced a spinning ball on a LONG stick (in the picture on the left) and he told us that he learnt everything about juggling from a book (in the picture on the right).


  1. Wow!it must take a lot of practice.By Anya

  2. Love the trick when you balanced the ball on the stick on your face I wish
    I could do that. By Edrei
