
Wednesday 27 November 2013's the WOW Awards!

Look at these creative Room 10 people who entered the first CCS WOW Awards.  We are so proud of your amazing designs and clever ability to turn your ideas into real costumes!

Meet Hamish - 'Toothless' from the movie How to Train Your Dragon.

Next we have Grace - 'Queen of Recycling'.

Here's John - 'Bumblebee'.

Now we have Lily - 'Flower Girl'.

...and lastly, Anya - 'From Bags to Riches' (Cinderella).

Thursday 21 November 2013

Excellent illustrators strike again!

It has been a while since we had excellent illustrators on our blog but this week's poem was a great one to think about as a picture:

The Wild Wolf Cry

Late at night,
when it's quiet and still,
the grey wolf stands
on the shadowy hill,
and he lifts his head
to the black night sky,
and he makes the sound
of a wild wolf cry.

And if, at night,
when it's quiet and still,
you hear that wolf
on the shadowy hill,
if you hear the sound
of his wild wolf cry,
just know he is talking
to the sky.

Here are our 3 favourite Room 10 illustrators:

Joel T terrific thinking

John's awesome art

Martha's masterpiece

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Super Star!

Way to go, Caragh!  You rock!

It was Girls Brigade awards night.  I wanted to get an award and everyone thought I was going to get the creative award but... I got the top award for all the juniors!  They said I always have a smile even on a dark evening :-)

Mosese the champion!

We are all proud of you too Mosese!

Yesterday at Athletics I got a medal for coming first out of all the year 3 boys at school.  I came first at shot put and hurdles and I got some second places too.  I felt fantastic!  My brother Vernon and my sister Taufa came first too and got medals too.  My mum and dad were very proud of us.

Space discovery...

Awesome creating, Luke!

Luke made an amazing space station in Room 10 one day.  It looks like a real one!  Luke says "It can be used for discovering things that everyone has not seen in space.  It can be used for spying too!"

Thursday 14 November 2013

Amazing Gardeners!

One day some Room 10 girls were walking around the junior area when they saw a plain, old, boring planter box.  They decided to plant some flowers for the school.

Martha, Petra, Lily and Anya planting beautiful flowers.

Martha, Petra, Lily and Grace caring for their special planter box garden.

Meet our newest Kiwi!

We have a new Kiwi in Room 10 - and it isn't the fluffy bird in the is John!

John and our Room 10 ambassador, Spike the Kiwi!
Yesterday John went to a citizenship ceremony to become a New Zealander.  He told us that the Mayor, Mr Jono Naylor, was there.  He had to sing the National anthem and they told him about our special New Zealand rules.  There were police and army men there and lots of people becoming New Zealanders.  He met some Filipinos there and the Philippines is the country John's family came from.  John's Dad had to put his hand on the Bible when Mr Naylor was talking about being a New Zealander and then they had a YUMMY afternoon tea!