
Tuesday 11 December 2012

Hear the angels...

...well, the angels weren't singing today in Room 10...but we did have a harp playing!  Bridie came and played some Christmas carols for us and we sang along.  We all got to listen and ask questions, then we were allowed to strum the strings.  Harps are amazing - we all learnt something new about them.

Here is Amon and Bridie with her beautiful harp!  Thank you for the amazing music!

Thursday 6 December 2012

Excellent illustrators # 8

Well, Nate took out this weeks' excellent illustrators competition.  He had lots of judges too as Kayla was away so... ALL the previous winners cast their votes and chose him!

This is what we thought:

  • his illustration matched the poem
  • the car on the screen is "so Nate"!  We thought it was cool that he thought to have something on the computer screen - and not just a blank computer!  It even looks a bit like the 'Create a car' game we like to play...but Nate says it is Craig Lowndes from the V8s :-)
  • the details he added - like the correct keys on the keyboard - and the mouse make a really great effort!

Wednesday 5 December 2012


This is Hanna's new puppy, Lily.  She came to visit us at school today. She wasn't scared of us at all..and she even let us pat her (and she gave a few of us a lick!).  Lily was the name of Hanna's best friend in Germany, so that is a very special way to remember her here in New Zealand.  The puppy is SSSOOOOOOO cute!

Monday 3 December 2012

Excellent illustrators # 7

Kayla was last week's excellent illustrator!  We liked the way she:

  • coloured the monkeys not just one brown colour but a mixture
  • made the boat in the water look like it is in the sea
  • made the bucket of glue look cool
  • coloured the branch really carefully but shaded over the leaves to create a different effect
Well done Kayla!  It is getting tricky to choose...good luck for next week!